One of the more interesting responses to the Haiti crisis were the reports that our Brothers and Sisters commonly referred to as the “Somali Pirates”, have publicly Pledged that a portion of the proceeds from their enterprise shall go towards aiding their Brothers and Sisters in Haiti.


Information on this very important development is scarce; however a spokesperson for the pirates has been reported as stating that not only will they be sending donations, but they have the international connections to make it happen independently of worldwide NGO’s and charities. The context for this is well described by a “pirates” spokesman: “The humanitarian aid to Haiti can not be controlled by the United States and European countries; they have no moral authority to do so. They are the ones pirating mankind for many years.”

This assessment can be attributed to Somalia’s own experience. While the “pirates” have been characterised as a group of corrupt mercenaries, abusing Somalia’s collapsed infrastructure by intimidating European seamen for mass profits, a closer inspection tells a very different story.

European multinationals have routinely used the Somalia coast as dumping ground for Imagenuclear waste since the early 1990’s. This is substantiated in a report by U.N. envoy to Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah who has said: “Somebody is dumping nuclear material here. There is also lead and heavy metals such as cadmium and mercury – you name it.” Needless to say this nuclear waste has had a devastating effect on the ecology of the Somali coastline.


In fact, those now designated “Somali Pirates” in the European media are originally fishermen, who after numerous unanswered complaints to the UN security council, began to galvanise Somali youth, and organized them into army in order to protect the Somali border.

These Somali Soldiers have (allegedly) earned an estimated $150 Million over the past two years, much of which is used to feed their families and the people of Somalia. But while reports may quibble over the accuracy of these figures, they pale into insignificance when compared to over $300 million reportedly stolen by European nations in illegal fishing expeditions to Somalia.

In the new “Obama Age” of politics, it is generally expected that issues of such international interest are not addressed with the same old Euro-American political bias. But this unfortunately has been far from the reality – as evidenced by the USA’s ongoing proxy war (i.e. via Ethiopia) against Somalia and of course Africom, its military High Command for Afrika.

Despite reports of hijacking, kidnapping, and hostage taking, the Somali Soldiers have never been reported of murder. It was unfortunate then, that President Barack Obama gave the order for the murder of three Somali pirates, as punishment for holding an American Seaman hostage. An act roundly celebrated by the American News Media.

In light of the USA’s abysmal “aid effort” currently taking form as the effective occupation of Haiti, the Somali Soldiers must be commended, as in spite of their own fight for justice, they are still willing to reach across the waters, in support of their Haitian Brothers& Sisters.